Monday, June 2, 2014

Not a word

Watching you
bewitch the guests with tricks
learned from forest beasts.

Waiting for your smile to meet mine
between an encounter with a wolf
and the sun among your trees.

Trying to determine
the ways in which a year changed you,
the ways in which a year changed me.

I find a place right below
my fifth rib to stash the thrill of
having you this close,

because I know you flee
at the sense of a maudlin word
and this time, I'd like you to stay.

(Shared with The Real Toads)


  1. Its so nice when they stay.

  2. so beautiful.......

  3. Expressing what one desires is the best thing to do:)

  4. Every word, every word. Just magical but also emotionally immediate. Do you have a book, Kenia? I want to buy it if you do.

    1. I don't have a book, Fb, as much as I'd like to, I probably need to work a lot harder on my poetry before I do. Kiss you my dear. <3

    2. Anonymous6/24/2014

      I would buy your book ~

  5. this is enticing. nice write kenia

  6. Knowing you wrote this for Garden and Toads makes it extra special, Kenia! And then I borrow the verses to apply in my own world and find it true there as well. Has school ended for the year so you have time to lay?

    1. Oh Susan! How I wish. The school term ends in December in Brazil. Winter vacation starts in July for me, June will be a mess over here because of the World Cup. I'm always glad to see you here. Thanks for such a lovely comment. <3

  7. Yes, sometimes we must keep the words and feelings carefully stashed away, lest the heat of passion put timid folk to flight.

    I love your poetry, Kenia.

  8. Anonymous6/02/2014

    Keeping mouth in silence is easy.
    But the eyes ... They say everything we try keep secret.
    /* espero ter escrito certinho, rs*/


  9. Oh this longing.. what can be done to make it stay.. like the fleeting spring gives way the scorching heat of summer...

  10. All those emotions and words stored inside...I have done the same at times....even if it is a season I can't let go of

  11. "And this time I'd like you to stay...." loved it.

  12. As always, Kenia, you evoke a complex state of mind, and a human dynamic that can't ever be addressed except through poetry, with great simplicity and directness, and again as always, without sacrificing the grace and beauty of language. Reading your poetry is pure pleasure.

  13. there's so much beauty in this that it's hard to pick out one image...but i'm really drawn to the sun among the trees.

    reminds me of a fairy tale romance!

    stacy lynn mar

  14. you've captured such a unique moment with this . . . so insightful.

  15. Anonymous6/02/2014

    i'm but an echo repeating the good words before me... superb ~
