Saturday, April 11, 2020

Toys on the planet Earth

(After Naomi Shihab Nye)

When it is safe again to
leave the house, I want to hear
the names of all your paper dolls
and see your bedroom
in the new address.
We will make up silly songs,
dance around the house,
reread favorite books and
make new imaginary friends.
We will sit in the yard and
drink pretend tea, dig a little,
dream a lot - will you
teach me your secret recipe
for mud cake then?

NaPoWriMo day 11


  1. However will I thank you properly for this bit of perfection ... My paper doll's name was "Millie" ~ I dreamed of the day I would take the fashion world by storm. Her wardrobe was epic. Which actually translated into making most of my clothes and those of my children in days of yore. My friends and I made mud cakes, we decorated them with cherry pits and peach skin which made them beautiful.

  2. I came by to see if you were also posting on your blog.. so happy to find that I can read your April poems here too!
